Hekayat 30 from Chapter 8 of Golestan of Saadi
English Translation for Hekayat
Everyone sees their own intellect as perfect and their own child as beautiful.
A Jew and a Muslim were arguing
To the point that their conversation made me laugh
In frustration, the Muslim said: If this deed of mine
Is not valid, God, may you end the life of the Jew
The Jew said: I swear by the Torah!
And if I am wrong, I will become a Muslim like you
If all intellect were removed from the face of the earth
No one would suspect themselves to be ignorant.
متن حکایت
همه کس را عقل خود بکمال نماید و فرزند خود بجمال.
یکی یهود و مسلمان نزاع میکردند
چنان که خنده گرفت از حدیث ایشانم
به طیره گفت مسلمان: گر این قبالهٔ من
درست نیست خدایا یهود میرانم
یهود گفت: به تورات میخورم سوگند!
وگر خلاف کنم همچو تو مسلمانم
گر از بسیط زمین عقل مُنعَدِم گردد
به خود گمان نبَرَد هیچکس که نادانم