Hekayat 31 from Chapter 8 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on December 02, 2024 by @hamed 42 1

English Translation for Hekayat

Ten men can eat from one table, but two dogs will not share a carcass. The greedy is hungry even with the world at their disposal, and the content is full with a piece of bread. The wise have said: Contentment is better wealth than having a great fortune.

A narrow gut fills up with an empty loaf of bread,

The riches of the world won't satisfy the narrow eye.

When my father's lifespan came to an end,

He gave me this piece of advice and passed away:

Lust is a fire, so avoid it,

Don't ignite the fire of hell within yourself,

You can't endure the heat of that fire,

So, today, put out this fire with patience.

متن حکایت

ده آدمی بر سفره‌ای بخورند و دو سگ بر مرداری با هم به سر نبرند. حریص با جهانی گرسنه است و قانع به نانی سیر. حکما گفته‌اند: توانگری به قناعت، به از توانگری به بضاعت.

رودهٔ تنگ به یک نان ِ تهی پر گردد

نعمت ِ روی زمین پر نکند دیدهٔ تنگ

پدر چون دور ِ عمرش منقضی گشت

مرا این یک نصیحت کرد و بُگذشت

که شهوت آتش است از وی بپرهیز

به خود بَر آتش ِ دوزخ مکُن تیز

در آن آتش نداری طاقت سوز

به صبر آبی بر این آتش زن امروز

@hamed Dec. 2, 2024, 6:42 p.m.

Saadi's wisdom beautifully encapsulates the importance of contentment, self-discipline, and the perils of greed and lust. His teachings continue to offer profound insights into leading a fulfilling and moral life.