Hekayat 32 from Chapter 2 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on September 08, 2024 by @hamed 33 0

English Translation for Hekayat

One of the kings asked a devout man who had a family: “How do you spend your precious time?” He replied: “All night in supplication and at dawn in prayers for needs, and all day occupied with providing for my family.”

The king understood the implication of the devout man’s words. He ordered that the man’s needs be provided for, so the burden of his family would be lifted from his heart.

O you who are bound by the ties of family

Do not imagine any more ease

The worry of children, bread, clothing, and sustenance

Prevents you from ascending to the heavens

All day I plan

So that at night I can be with God

When I begin my nightly prayers

I wonder what my child will eat in the morning?

متن حکایت

یکی از پادشاهان عابدی را پرسید که عِیالان داشت: اوقاتِ عزیز چگونه می‌گذرد؟ گفت: همه شب در مناجات و سحر در دعایِ حاجات و همه روز در بند اِخراجات.

ملِک را مضمونِ اشارتِ عابد معلوم گشت. فرمود تا وجهِ کَفافِ وی معیّن دارند و بارِ عِیال از دلِ او برخیزد.

ای گرفتارِ پای بندِ عیال

دیگر آسودگی مبند خیال

غمِ فرزند و نان و جامه و قوت

بازت آرد ز سیر در مَلَکوت

همه روز اتّفاق می‌سازم

که به شب با خدای پردازم

شب چو عَقدِ نماز می‌بندم

چه خورد بامداد فرزندم؟