Hekayat 33 from Chapter 8 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on December 02, 2024 by @hamed 41 1

English Translation for Hekayat

Whatever rises quickly, does not last long.

I've heard that in the East,

They make a Chinese bowl in forty years,

Yet they make a hundred in a day in Marvdasht,

Thus, you can see the difference in value.

A small bird comes out of its egg and seeks sustenance,

While a human child is unaware and lacks wisdom and discernment.

One who becomes someone suddenly, achieves nothing,

But one who attains status and virtue surpasses all.

Glass is found everywhere, hence it is of little value,

Ruby is hard to find, thus it is precious.

متن حکایت

هر چه زود بر آید، دیر نپاید.

خاک ِ مشرق شنیده‌ام که کنند

به چهل سال کاسه‌ای چینی

صد به روزی کنند در مَردَشت

لاجَرَم قیمتش همی‌بینی

مرغک از بیضه برون آید و روزی طلبد

و آدمی‌بچه ندارد خبر و عقل و تمیز

آن که ناگاه کسی گشت، به چیزی نرسید

وین به تمکین و فضیلت بگذشت از همه چیز

آبگینه همه جا یابی از آن قدرش نیست

لعل دشخوار به دست آید از آن است عزیز

@hamed Dec. 2, 2024, 7:09 p.m.

Saadi's wisdom here highlights the value of patience, effort, and the importance of gradual growth and development. It underscores that things or people who achieve success quickly and without effort often lack lasting value, whereas those who attain it through perseverance and hard work are truly valuable and enduring.