Hekayat 34 from Golestan of Saadi

Posted on September 06, 2024 by @hamed 33 0

English Translation for Hekayat

One of the sons of Harun al-Rashid came to his father, angry, saying that the son of a certain officer had insulted his mother.

Harun asked his state officials, “What should be the punishment for such a person?”

One suggested execution, another suggested cutting out his tongue, and another suggested confiscation and exile.

Harun said, “O my son! Generosity is to forgive, but if you cannot, then insult his mother in return, but do not let the revenge exceed the limit, for then the injustice will be on our side and the claim will be against us.”

A wise man is not one

Who fights with a raging elephant

Indeed, a true man is one who, when angered,

Does not speak falsely.


متن حکایت

یکی از پسرانِ هارون‌الرَّشید پیش پدر آمد خشم‌آلود که فلان سرهنگ‌زاده مرا دشنامِ مادر داد.

هارون ارکان دولت را گفت: جَزایِ چنین کس چه باشد؟

یکی اشاره به کشتن کرد و دیگری به زبان بریدن و دیگری به مصادره و نفی.

هارون گفت: ای پسر! کَرَم آن است که عفو کنی و گر نتوانی تو نیزش دشنامِ مادر ده، نه چندانکه انتقام از حد درگذرد آنگاه ظلم از طرفِ ما باشد و دعوی از قِبَلِ خصم.

نه مرد است آن به نزدیکِ خردمند

که با پیلِ دمان پیکار جوید

بلی مرد آن کس است از رویِ تحقیق

که چون خشم آیدش، باطل نگوید