Hekayat 35 from Chapter 2 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on September 08, 2024 by hamed

One of the learned scholars was asked: “What do you say about the bread of endowment?”

He replied: “If the bread is taken for the sake of peace of mind, it is lawful; but if the gathering is for the sake of the bread, it is unlawful.”

Bread is taken for the corner of worship

By the wise, not the corner of worship for bread

یکی را از علمایِ راسخ پرسیدند: چه گویی در نانِ وقف؟

گفت: اگر نان از بهرِ جمعیّتِ خاطر می‌ستاند، حلال است و اگر جمع از بهرِ نان می‌نشیند، حرام.


نان از برایِ کنجِ عبادت گرفته‌اند

صاحبدلان، نه کنجِ عبادت برای نان

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About Hekayat
Hekayat is a form of prose in Persian literature.