Hekayat 35 from Chapter 8 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on December 02, 2024 by @hamed 34 1

English Translation for Hekayat

There is nothing better for a fool than silence, and if he knew this benefit, he would not be a fool.

If you do not have the perfection of wisdom,

It is better to keep your tongue in your mouth.

A person's speech reveals their flaws,

Just as an empty walnut is light.

A man was teaching a donkey with great effort,

A wise man said to him, 'Oh fool, what are you doing?

Fear the blame of this foolishness.

The animals won't learn from you to speak,

You learn silence from the animals.

Whoever doesn't ponder before replying,

Most of his speech will be incorrect.

Either speak like a wise person,

Or sit silent like animals.'

متن حکایت

نادان را به از خاموشی نیست وگر این مصلحت بدانستی، نادان نبودی.

چون نداری کمال ِ فضل آن به

که زبان در دهان نگه داری

آدمی را زبان فضیحه کند،

جوز ِ بی‌مغز را سبکساری

خری را ابلهی تعلیم می‌داد

بر او بر صرف کرده سعی ِ دایم

حکیمی گفتش ای نادان چه کوشی؟

در این سودا بترس از لوم ِ لایم

نیاموزد بهایم از تو گفتار

تو خاموشی بیاموز از بهایم

هر که تأمل نکند در جواب

بیشتر آید سخنش ناصواب

یا سخن آرای چو مردم به هوش

یا بنشین چون حیوانان خموش

@hamed Dec. 2, 2024, 7:14 p.m.

Saadi's wisdom here emphasizes the value of silence and thoughtfulness in speech. It teaches us that those who lack wisdom should embrace silence to avoid exposing their ignorance and that measured, thoughtful speech is a mark of intelligence. Saadi's timeless insights continue to provide profound lessons in communication and self-awareness.