Hekayat 35 from Golestan of Saadi

Posted on September 06, 2024 by @hamed 35 0

English Translation for Hekayat

I was sitting on a ship with a group of nobles.

A boat following us sank, and two brothers fell into a whirlpool.

One of the nobles said to the sailor, “Save both of them, and I will give you fifty dinars for each.”

The sailor jumped into the water and saved one, but the other drowned.

I said, “His remaining life was over, which is why you delayed in saving him and hurried with the other.”

The sailor laughed and said, “What you said is true, but I was more inclined to save this one because once, in a desert, he let me ride his camel, while the other had whipped me when I was a child.”

I said, “God has spoken the truth: ‘Whoever does good, it is for his own soul, and whoever does evil, it is against it.’”

As long as you can, do not hurt anyone’s heart

For on this path, there are many thorns

Help the poor and needy

For you too will have needs one day.


متن حکایت

با طایفهٔ بزرگان به کشتی‌در، نشسته بودم.

زَورقی در پیِ ما غرق شد، دو برادر به گِردابی در افتادند.

یکی از بزرگان گفت ملاح را که: بگیر این هر دو را که به هر یکی پنجاه دینارت دهم.

ملّاح در آب افتاد و تا یکی را برهانید، آن دیگر هلاک شد.

گفتم: بقّیتِ عمرش نمانده بود، از این سبب در گرفتنِ او تأخیر کرد و در آن دگر تعجیل.

ملاح بخندید و گفت: آنچه تو گفتی یقین است، و دگر میل خاطر من به رهانیدن این بیشتر بود که وقتی در بیابانی مانده بودم و مرا بر شتری نشاند، و از دست آن دگر تازیانه‌ای خورده‌ام در طفلی.

گفتم: صَدَقَّ اللهُ: مَنْ عَمِلَ صالِحاً فَلِنَفْسِهِ و مَنْ أَساءَ فَعَلَیْهٰا.


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