Hekayat 36 from Chapter 2 of Golestan of Saadi

English Translation for Hekayat
A dervish entered a place where the owner was a generous soul; a group of learned and eloquent people were in his company, each sharing witty and humorous remarks.
The dervish had traveled through the desert, was exhausted, and had not eaten anything.
One of them, in jest, said: “You should also say something.”
He replied: “I do not have the knowledge and eloquence of others, and I have not read anything. Be content with one verse from me.”
They eagerly said: “Speak!”
He said:
I am hungry before a table of bread
Like a bachelor at the door of the women’s bath
The companions understood his extreme hunger and brought the table forward.
The host said: “Friend! Wait a moment, my servants are preparing roasted meat.”
The dervish raised his head and said:
Do not put roasted meat on my table
For the hungry, plain bread is roasted meat
متن حکایت
درویشی به مَقامی در آمد که صاحبِ آن بُقعه کریمالنَّفس بود؛ طایفهٔ اهل فضل و بَلاغت در صحبتِ او هر یکی بَذله و لطیفه همیگفتند.
درویش راهِ بیابان کرده بود و مانده و چیزی نخورده.
یکی از آن میان به طریقِ ظرافت گفت: تو را هم چیزی بباید گفت.
گفت: مرا چون دیگران فضل و ادبی نیست و چیزی نخواندهام، به یک بیت از من قناعت کنید.
همگنان به رغبت گفتند: بگوی!
من گرسنه در برابرم سفرهٔ نان
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یاران نهایتِ عجز او بدانستند و سفره پیش آوردند.
صاحب دعوت گفت: ای یار! زمانی توقّف کن که پرستارانم، کوفته بریان میسازند.
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