Hekayat 38 from Golestan of Saadi

Posted on September 07, 2024 by @hamed 36 0

English Translation for Hekayat

A group of wise men were discussing a matter of state in the presence of Khosrow, and Bozorgmehr, who was the chief among them, remained silent.

They asked him, “Why do you not speak with us in this discussion?”

He replied, “Ministers are like doctors, and a doctor does not give medicine except to the sick. So, when I see that your opinion is correct, it is not wise for me to speak on the matter.”

When a task is accomplished without my interference

It is not appropriate for me to speak on it

But if I see a blind man near a well

If I remain silent, it is a sin.


متن حکایت

گروهی حکما به حضرتِ کسریٰ در، به مصلحتی سخن همی‌گفتند و بزرگ‌مهر که مهترِ ایشان بود خاموش.

گفتندش: چرا با ما در این بحث سخن نگویی؟

گفت: وزیران بر مثالِ اطبّااند و طبیب دارو ندهد جز سَقیم را. پس چو بینم که رای شما بر صواب است، مرا بر سرِ آن سخن گفتن حکمت نباشد.


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