Hekayat 39 from Golestan of Saadi

Posted on September 07, 2024 by @hamed 36 0

English Translation for Hekayat

When Harun al-Rashid conquered the land of Egypt, he said, “Unlike that tyrant who claimed divinity out of pride in the kingdom of Egypt, I will not grant this land except to the most insignificant of my servants.”

He had a black servant named Khasib, who was extremely ignorant. Harun al-Rashid gave him the kingdom of Egypt. It is said that his wisdom and understanding were so limited that when a group of Egyptian farmers complained to him that they had planted cotton but untimely rain had ruined it, he replied, “You should have planted wool!”

If knowledge increased one’s fortune

No one would be poorer than the ignorant

Fortune grants such wealth to the ignorant

That the wise are left helpless

Success and prosperity are not due to skill

But only by divine favor

Many in the world are honored without merit

While the wise are despised

The alchemist dies in sorrow and toil

While the fool finds treasure in ruins.


متن حکایت

هارون‌الرشید را چون مُلکِ دیارِ مصر مسلم شد گفت: به خلافِ آن طاغی که به غرورِ مُلکِ مصر دعویِ خدایی کرد، نبخشم این مملکت را مگر به خسیس‌ترینِ بندگان.

سیاهی داشت نام او خَصِیب در غایتِ جهل. مُلکِ مصر به وی ارزانی داشت و گویند: عقل و درایتِ او تا به جایی بود که طایفه‌ای حُرّاثِ مصر شکایت آوردندش که پنبه کاشته بودیم بارانِ بی‌وقت آمد و تلف شد. گفت: پشم بایستی کاشتن!

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