Hekayat 4 from Chapter 6 of Golestan of Saadi
English Translation for Hekayat
One day, in the pride of my youth, I had ridden swiftly, but by nightfall, I was left stranded at the foot of a precarious cliff.
An old, frail man, lagging behind a caravan, approached and said, "Why are you sitting here? This is not a place to rest."
I replied, "How can I move when my legs have no strength left to walk?"
He said, "Have you not heard the wise say: ‘It is better to walk steadily and sit when needed than to run and break down’?"
Oh, you who are eager to reach your destination,
do not rush. Heed my advice, and learn patience.
A thoroughbred horse can sprint swiftly,
But a camel, though slow, travels day and night without stopping.
متن حکایت
روزی به غرور جوانی سخت رانده بودم و شبانگاه به پای گریوهای سست مانده.
پیرمردی ضعیف از پس کاروان همیآمد و گفت: چه نشینی که نه جای خفتن است؟
گفتم: چون روم که نه پای رفتن است؟!
گفت: این نشنیدی که صاحبدلان گفتهاند: رفتن و نشستن به که دویدن و گسستن.
ای که مشتاق منزلی مشتاب
پند من کار بند و صبر آموز
اسب تازی دو تگ رود به شتاب
و اشتر آهسته میرود شب و روز