Hekayat 41 from Chapter 8 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on December 04, 2024 by @hamed 42 1

English Translation for Hekayat

If all nights were the Night of Power, the Night of Power would lose its value.

If all stones were radiant rubies,

Then the value of rubies and stones would be the same.

متن حکایت

اگر شبها همه قدر بودی، شب قدر بی قدر بودی.

گر سنگ همه لعل بدخشان بودی

پس قیمت لعل و سنگ یکسان بودی

@hamed Dec. 4, 2024, 8:52 p.m.

Saadi's wisdom here underscores the idea that rarity and uniqueness give things their value. It reminds us that special moments and precious things are only meaningful because they stand out from the ordinary. Saadi's teachings continue to offer profound insights into appreciating the exceptional and the rare in our lives.