Hekayat 42 from Chapter 8 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on December 04, 2024 by @hamed 35 1

English Translation for Hekayat

Not everyone who is beautiful in appearance has a beautiful character. The matter lies within, not in the outward form.

You can recognize a man's outward qualities in a day,

Seeing the extent of his knowledge and skills,

But be wary and not deceived by his inner nature,

For the evil of the soul is not revealed in years.

متن حکایت

نه هر که به صورت نکوست سیرت زیبا در اوست. کار اندرون دارد نه پوست.

توان شناخت به یک روز در شمایل مرد

که تا کجاش رسیده‌ست پایگاه علوم

ولی ز باطنش ایمن مباش و غره مشو

که خبث نفس نگردد به سالها معلوم

@hamed Dec. 4, 2024, 8:54 p.m.

Saadi's wisdom here emphasizes the importance of inner qualities and character over outward appearances. It reminds us that true virtue is found within and cannot be judged by superficial traits alone. His timeless teachings continue to offer profound insights into the essence of human nature and the value of integrity.