Hekayat 43 from Chapter 2 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on September 08, 2024 by @hamed 33 0

English Translation for Hekayat

I asked a great man about the character of the Brotherhood of Purity. He said: “The least is that one should prioritize the wishes of friends over their own interests. The wise have said: A brother who is concerned only with himself is neither a brother nor a relative.”

If a companion hurries, he is not your companion

Do not attach your heart to someone who is not attached to you

If a relative lacks faith and piety

Severing ties is better than maintaining close affection

I remember that someone objected to this verse of mine, saying: “God Almighty has forbidden severing ties of kinship in the Holy Book and commanded affection for close relatives. What you said contradicts that.” I replied: "You are mistaken, for it is in accordance with the Quran:

‘But if they strive to make you associate with Me that of which you have no knowledge, do not obey them.’

A thousand relatives who are strangers to God

Are worth sacrificing for one stranger who is familiar with God."

متن حکایت

بزرگی را پرسیدم از سیرت اخوان صفا. گفت: کمینه آن که مراد خاطر یاران بر مصالح خویش مقدّم دارد و حکما گفته‌اند: برادر که در بند خویش است نه برادر و نه خویش است.

همراه اگر شتاب کند همره تو نیست

دل در کسی مبند که دل بسته تو نیست

چون نبود خویش را دیانت و تقوی

قطع رحم بهتر از مودت قربی

یاد دارم که مدّعی در این بیت بر قول من اعتراض کرده بود و گفته: حق تعالی در کتاب مجید از قطع رحم نهی کرده است و به مودت ذی القربی فرموده و اینچه تو گفتی مناقض آن است. گفتم: غلط کردی که موافق قرآن است:

و اِن جاهَداکَ عَلی اَن تُشْرِکَ بی ما لَیْسَ لَکَ به عِلمٌ فلا تُطِعْهما

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