Hekayat 48 from Chapter 2 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on September 09, 2024 by @hamed 33 1

English Translation for Hekayat

A sage was asked: “Which is better, generosity or bravery?”

He replied: “He who has generosity has no need for bravery.”

Hatim al-Tai is no more, but forever

His noble name remains famous for goodness.

Give the alms of your wealth, for when the gardener prunes the vine,

It yields more grapes.

It is written on the grave of Bahram Gur:

The hand of generosity is better than the arm of strength.


متن حکایت

حکیمی را پرسیدند: از سخاوت و شجاعت کدام بهتر است؟

گفت: آن که را سخاوت است به شجاعت حاجت نیست.


نماند حاتمِ طایی ولیک تا به ابد

بمانْد نامِ بلندش به نیکویی مشهور


زکات مال به در کن که فَضْلهٔ رَز را

چو باغبان بزند، بیشتر دهد انگور


نبشته است بر گورِ بهرامِ گور

که دستِ کَرَم به ز بازویِ زور

@hamed Sept. 9, 2024, 11:40 a.m.

This passage highlights the enduring value of generosity over bravery, using historical and metaphorical references to emphasize its importance. Saadi’s wisdom often reflects the virtues of kindness and the lasting impact of good deeds.