Hekayat 5 from Chapter 3 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on September 09, 2024 by @hamed 18 0

English Translation for Hekayat

In the conduct of Ardashir Babakan, it is mentioned that he asked an Arab sage: “How much food should one eat in a day?”

The sage replied: “One hundred dirhams’ weight is sufficient.”

Ardashir asked: “What strength does this amount provide?”

The sage said: “This amount will sustain you, and anything more than this, you will be carrying.” Meaning, this amount keeps you on your feet, and whatever you eat beyond this, you are burdened by it.

Eating is for living and remembering (God),

But you believe that living is for eating.

متن حکایت

در سیرتِ اردشیرِ بابکان آمده است که حکیمِ عرب را پرسید که: روزی چه مایه طعام باید خوردن؟

گفت: صد دِرَم سنگ کفایت است.

گفت: این قدر چه قوّت دهد؟

گفت: هٰذَا الْمِقْدارُ یَحْمِلُکَ و مٰازادَ عَلیٰ ذٰلِکَ فَاَنْتَ حامِلُهُ. یعنی این قدر تو را بر پای همی‌دارد و هر چه بر این زیادت کنی، تو حمّال آنی.

خوردن برایِ زیستن و ذکر کردن است

تو معتقد که زیستن از بهرِ خوردن است