Hekayat 50 from Chapter 8 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on December 09, 2024 by @hamed 37 1

English Translation for Hekayat

Killing prisoners requires deliberation because the choice remains: one can kill and one can pardon. But if a prisoner is killed without deliberation, it is possible that a benefit may be lost which cannot be restored.

It is very easy to make the living lifeless,

But one cannot bring the dead back to life.

It is the archer's wisdom to be patient,

For once an arrow leaves the bow, it does not return.

متن حکایت

کشتن بندیان تأمل اولی تر است، به حکم آن که اختیار باقیست: توان کشت و توان بخشید. و گر بی تأمل کشته شود، محتمل است که مصلحتی فوت شود که تدارک مثل آن ممتنع باشد.

نیک سهل است زنده بی جان کرد

کشته را باز زنده نتوان کرد

شرط عقل است صبر تیرانداز

که چو رفت از کمان نیاید باز

@hamed Dec. 9, 2024, 6:42 p.m.

Saadi's wisdom here emphasizes the importance of careful consideration before making irreversible decisions, particularly those involving life and death. It teaches us the value of patience and the weight of our actions, reminding us that some decisions cannot be undone. Saadi's timeless insights continue to offer profound guidance on prudence and the gravity of our choices.