Hekayat 51 from Chapter 8 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on December 10, 2024 by @hamed 40 1

English Translation for Hekayat

A wise man who engages with the ignorant should not expect honor, and if a fool triumphs over a wise man in argument, it is not surprising, for a stone can break a jewel.

It is no wonder if his breath is stilled,

Like a nightingale in the same cage with a crow.

If a talented person suffers at the hands of the uncouth,

Let him not trouble his heart or be dismayed.

If a poor-quality stone breaks a golden bowl,

The value of the stone does not increase, nor does the gold's worth decrease.

متن حکایت

حکیمی که با جُهّال دراُفتد توقعِ عزّت ندارد وگر جاهلی به ‌زبان‌آوری بر حکیمی غالب آید عجب نیست که سنگی‌ست که گوهر همی‌شکند.

نه عجب گر فرو رود نَفَسَش

عندلیبی غُراب هم‌ قفسش

گر هنرمند از اوباش جفایی بیند

تا دلِ خویش نیازارد و در هم نشود

سنگِ بد گوهر اگر کاسه‌ زرّین بشکست

قیمتِ سنگ نیفزاید و زر کم نشود

@hamed Dec. 10, 2024, 5:32 p.m.

Saadi's wisdom here highlights the futility of engaging with the ignorant and the importance of maintaining one's dignity and self-worth despite the actions of others. It teaches us that true value and virtue are inherent and not diminished by external circumstances. Saadi's timeless insights continue to offer profound lessons on resilience and self-respect.