Hekayat 6 from Chapter 2 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on September 07, 2024 by @hamed 32 0

English Translation for Hekayat

A pious man was a guest of a king. When they sat down to eat, he ate less than he desired, and when they stood for prayer, he prayed more than his usual habit, so that they would think highly of his piety.

I fear you will not reach the Kaaba, O Arab

For this path you are taking leads to Turkestan

When he returned to his place, he asked for a meal to eat. He had a perceptive son who said, “Father, did you not eat at the king’s table?” He replied, “I did not eat anything useful in their eyes.” The son said, “Then make up your prayer as well, for you did not do anything useful in that either.”

O you who hold your virtues in your hand

And hide your faults under your arm

What do you hope to buy, O proud one

On the day of distress, with deceitful coin?


متن حکایت

زاهدی مهمان پادشاهی بود. چون به طعام بنشستند، کمتر از آن خورد که ارادتِ او بود و چون به نماز برخاستند، بیش از آن کرد که عادت او، تا ظنِّ صَلاحیت در حق او زیادت کنند.

ترسم نرسی به کعبه، ای اعرابی

کاین ره که تو می‌روی به ترکستان است

چون به مُقام خویش آمد، سفره خواست تا تَناوُلی کند. پسری صاحبِ فراست داشت. گفت: ای پدر! باری به مجلس سلطان در، طعام نخوردی؟ گفت: در نظر ایشان چیزی نخوردم که به کار آید. گفت: نماز را هم قضا کن که چیزی نکردی که به کار آید.

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