Hekayat 6 from Chapter 5 of Golestan of Saadi Shirazi

Posted on September 19, 2024 by @hamed 42 1

English Translation for Hekayat

One night, I remember, a dear friend came to visit. I was so overwhelmed that I jumped up, accidentally extinguishing the lamp with my sleeve.

A vision of someone whose appearance brightens the darkness

I was astonished at my fortune, wondering where this blessing came from.

He sat down and began to reproach me, saying: “You saw me and immediately extinguished the lamp. What does this mean?”

I replied: "For two reasons: first, I thought the sun had risen, and second, this verse came to mind:

When a beloved comes before the candle,

Extinguish it in the midst of the gathering.

And if there is a sweet smile on their lips,

Take their sleeve and extinguish the candle."

متن حکایت

شبی یاد دارم که یاری عزیز از در در آمد. چنان بیخود از جای بر جستم که چراغم به آستین کشته شد.

سَریٰ طَیفُ مَن یَجلو بِطَلعَتِهِ الدُّجیٰ

شگفت آمد از بختم که این دولت از کجا

بنشست و عتاب آغاز کرد که: مرا در حال بدیدی چراغ بکشتی، به چه معنی؟

گفتم: به دو معنی: یکی آن که گمان بردم که آفتاب برآمد و دیگر آنکه این بیتم به خاطر بود:

چون گرانی به پیش شمع آید

خیزش اندر میان جمع بکش

ور شکر خنده‌ایست شیرین لب

آستینش بگیر و شمع بکش

@hamed Sept. 19, 2024, 5:22 a.m.

This passage is rich in both poetic beauty and subtle humor, showing the playful and affectionate nature of the interaction between the speaker and the beloved.