Hekayat 6 from Chapter 6 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on October 11, 2024 by hamed

Once, in the ignorance of my youth, I raised my voice at my mother. Hurt and heartbroken, she sat in a corner and tearfully said, “Have you forgotten your childhood that you now treat me harshly?”

How beautifully an old woman once said to her son,
When she saw him strong as a lion and mighty as an elephant:

“If you remembered your childhood,
When you were helpless in my arms,
You would not wrong me today,
For though you are now a strong man, I am just an old woman.”

وقتی به جهل جوانی بانگ بر مادر زدم، دل آزرده به کنجی نشست و گریان همی‌گفت: مگر خردی فراموش کردی که درشتی میکنی؟

چه خوش گفت زالی به فرزند خویش

چو دیدش پلنگ افکن و پیل تن

گر از عهد خردیت یاد آمدی

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که تو شیرمردی و من پیرزن

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About Hekayat
Hekayat is a form of prose in Persian literature.