Hekayat 6 from Golestan of Saadi

Posted on September 06, 2024 by @hamed 41 0

English Translation for Hekayat

They tell a story about a king of Persia who extended his hand in oppression over the wealth of his subjects and began to inflict tyranny and harm. To the point that people fled from his deceitful actions and sought refuge from his oppression in distant lands. As the population decreased, the revenue of the province diminished, the treasury became empty, and enemies grew stronger.

Whoever seeks help in times of trouble, Should strive for nobility in times of peace. If you do not cherish a loyal servant, he will leave; Be kind, for even a stranger will become loyal.

One day, in his court, they were reading the Shahnameh, recounting the fall of Zahhak’s kingdom and the era of Fereydun. The king’s minister asked, “Can you understand how Fereydun, who had no treasure, kingdom, or army, managed to gain the throne?” The king replied, “As you heard, people gathered around him with zeal and supported him, and he gained the kingdom.” The minister said, “O king! If the gathering of people is the cause of kingship, why do you scatter them? Do you not wish to be a king?”

It is better to nurture the army with kindness, For a king rules through his army.

The king asked, “What causes the gathering of the army and the people?” The minister replied, “A king must be generous so that people gather around him, and merciful so that they feel safe under his rule. You lack both.”

A tyrant king will not shepherd, For a wolf cannot lead a flock.

A king who lays the foundation of oppression, Digs the foundation of his own kingdom.

The king did not like the minister’s advice and sent him to prison. It wasn’t long before the king’s cousins rose in rebellion, seeking their father’s kingdom. Those who had suffered from the king’s oppression and had been scattered gathered around them and supported them until the kingdom was taken from him and given to them.

A king who oppresses his subjects, Will find his friends to be strong enemies in times of trouble. Make peace with your subjects and be safe from the enemy’s war, For a just king’s subjects are his army.

متن حکایت

یکی را از ملوک عجم حکایت کنند که دستِ تطاول به مال رعیّت دراز کرده بود و جور و اذیّت آغاز کرده. تا به جایی که خلق از مَکایدِ فعلش به جهان برفتند و از کُرْبَتِ جورش راهِ غربت گرفتند. چون رعیّت کم شد، ارتفاعِ ولایت نقصان پذیرفت و خزانه تهی ماند و دشمنان زور آوردند.

هر که فریاد‌رسِ روز مصیبت خواهد

گو در ایّامِ سلامت به جوانمردی کوش

بندهٔ حلقه‌به‌گوش اَر ننوازی بِرَوَد

لطف کن لطف، که بیگانه شود حلقه‌به‌گوش

باری، به مجلس او در، کتاب شاهنامه همی‌خواندند در زوالِ مملکتِ ضحّاک و عهدِ فریدون. وزیر ملک را پرسید: هیچ توان دانستن که فریدون که گنج و ملک و حشم نداشت چگونه بر او مملکت مقرر شد؟ گفت: آن چنان که شنیدی خلقی بر او به تعصّب گرد آمدند و تقویت کردند و پادشاهی یافت. گفت: ای مَلِک! چو گرد آمدن خلقی موجبِ پادشاهیست تو مَر خلق را پریشان برای چه می‌کنی؟ مگر سرِ پادشاهی کردن نداری؟

همان به که لشکر به‌جان پروری

که سلطان به لشکر کند سروری

ملک گفت: موجب گرد آمدن سپاه و رعیّت چه باشد؟ گفت: پادشه را کَرَم باید تا بر او گرد آیند و رحمت، تا در پناه دولتش ایمن نشینند و ترا این هر دو نیست.

نکند جورپیشه سلطانی

که نیاید ز گرگ چوپانی

پادشاهی که طرحِ ظلم افکند

پایِ دیوارِ مُلکِ خویش بکنْد

ملک را پندِ وزیرِ ناصح، موافقِ طبعِ مخالف نیامد؛ روی از این سخن در هم کشید و به زندانش فرستاد. بسی بر نیامد که بنی‌عمّ ِ سلطان به منازعت خاستند و مُلک پدر خواستند، قومی که از دستِ تطاولِ او به‌جان آمده بودند و پریشان شده، بر ایشان گرد آمدند و تقویت کردند تا مُلک از تصرّفِ این به در رفت و بر آنان مقرّر شد.

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