Hekayat 65 from Chapter 8 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on December 13, 2024 by @hamed 27 1

English Translation for Hekayat

Two things are impossible for reason: eating more than the allotted provision and dying before the predetermined time.

Fate does not change, even if there are a thousand groans and sighs,

Whether through blasphemy or complaint from the mouth.

The angel who is the guardian of the treasures of the wind,

متن حکایت

دو چیز محال عقل است: خوردن بیش از رزق مقسوم و مردن پیش از وقت معلوم.

قضا دگر نشود ور هزار ناله و آه

به کفر یا به شکایت برآید از دهنی

فرشته‌ای که وکیل است بر خزاین باد

چه غم خورد که بمیرد چراغ پیرزنی

@hamed Dec. 13, 2024, 8:41 p.m.

Saadi's wisdom here emphasizes the inevitability of fate and the limitations of human control over certain aspects of life, such as sustenance and the time of death. It serves as a reminder of the futility of resisting or lamenting the unchangeable aspects of destiny. Saadi's timeless insights continue to offer valuable lessons on acceptance and the nature of fate.