Hekayat 7 from Chapter 2 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on September 07, 2024 by @hamed 34 0

English Translation for Hekayat

I remember that in my childhood, I was devout, waking up at night, and passionate about asceticism and abstinence.

One night, I was sitting with my father, may God’s mercy be upon him, and I had not closed my eyes all night, holding the precious Quran by my side, while a group of people around us were asleep.

I said to my father, “None of these people lift their heads to perform even two units of prayer. They are so deep in the sleep of heedlessness that it seems as if they are not asleep but dead.”

He said, “My dear son, it would have been better if you had slept too, rather than falling into the fault-finding of others.”

The claimant sees nothing but himself

For he has the veil of illusion before his eyes

If they grant you the eye of God

You will see no one more helpless than yourself.


متن حکایت

یاد دارم که در ایام طُفولیّت مُتَعَبِّد بودمی و شب‌خیز و مُوْلَعِ زهد و پرهیز.

شبی در خدمتِ پدر، رَحْمَةُ اللهِ عَلَیْهِ، نشسته بودم و همه شب دیده بر هم نبسته و مُصْحَفِ عزیز بر کنار گرفته و طایفه‌ای گردِ ما خفته.

پدر را گفتم: از اینان یکی سر بر نمی‌دارد که دوگانه‌ای بگزارد. چنان خوابِ غفلت برده‌اند که گویی نخفته‌اند که مرده‌اند.

گفت: جانِ پدر! تو نیز اگر بخفتی به از آن که در پوستینِ خلق افتی.

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