Hekayat 7 from Chapter 5 of Gplenstan of Saadi Shirazi

Posted on September 19, 2024 by hamed

A man said to a friend whom he had not seen in a long time, "Where have you been? I've been longing for your company."

The friend replied, "Longing is better than growing tired of me."

You came late, O intoxicated beloved,
But we won’t quickly let go of your hem.
A beloved who is seen rarely
Is better than one who is seen too often and tires the heart.

When a lover arrives with companions, they come to show indifference, for such meetings are not free from jealousy and opposition.

When you visit me with company,
You come as if to fight, not to reconcile.

When my beloved mixes with others,
It doesn't take long for my jealousy to overpower me.

She laughed and said, "I am the candle in the gathering, Saadi.
What does it matter to me if the moth destroys itself?"

یکی دوستی را که زمان‌ها ندیده بود گفت: کجایی که مشتاق بوده‌ام؟

گفت: مشتاقی به که ملولی.

دیر آمدى اى نگار سرمست

زودت ندهیم دامن از دست

معشوقه که دیر دیر بینند

آخر کم از آن که سیر بینند

شاهد که با رفیقان آید، به جفا کردن آمده است؛ به حکم آنکه از غیرت و مضادّت خالی نباشد.

اِذا جِئتَنی فی رِفقَةٍ لِتَزورَنی

وَ اِن جِئتَ فی صلحٍ فَأنتَ مُحارِبٍ

به یک نفس که بر آمیخت یار با اغیار

بسی نماند که غیرت وجود من بکشد

به خنده گفت که من شمع جمعم ای سعدی

مرا از آن چه که پروانه خویشتن بکُشد؟

@hamed Sept. 19, 2024, 5:25 a.m.

This story explores themes of longing, jealousy, and the nature of love, with Saadi’s usual blend of humor and wisdom.

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About Hekayat
Hekayat is a form of prose in Persian literature.