Hekayat 7 from Chapter 6 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on October 11, 2024 by hamed

A wealthy but miserly man had a sick son. Well-wishers advised him, "It would be wise to either recite a full Qur'an for his recovery or make a sacrificial offering." The man pondered for a while and then said, "It is better to choose reciting the Qur'an, for it keeps the cattle safe."

A wise person overheard this and remarked, "He chose to recite the Qur'an because its words are on his lips, but gold resides in his heart."

Alas, for those who bow their necks in obedience,
If only their hands would accompany their actions with generosity.
They get stuck in the mud for a single coin,
But they are quick to recite 'Alhamd' a hundred times over.

توانگری بخیل را پسری رنجور بود. نیکخواهان گفتندش: مصلحت آن است که ختم قرآنی کنی از بهر وی یا بذل قربانی. لختی به اندیشه فرو رفت و گفت: مصحف مهجور اولیتر است که گله دور.

صاحبدلی بشنید و گفت: ختمش به علت آن اختیار آمد که قرآن بر سر زبان است و زر در میان جان.

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About Hekayat
Hekayat is a form of prose in Persian literature.