Hekayat 71 from Chapter 8 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on December 16, 2024 by @hamed 39 1

English Translation for Hekayat

A jealous person is stingy with God's blessings and holds a grudge against an innocent servant.

I saw a narrow-minded man,

Wearing the mantle of a high-ranking person.

I said, 'O sir, if you are unfortunate,

What sin have fortunate people committed?'

Do not wish misfortune upon the envious,

For that ill-fated person is already in misery.

What need is there to make him an enemy,

When he already has such an enemy in himself?

متن حکایت

حسود از نعمت حق بخیل است و بندهٔ بی گناه را دشمن می‌دارد.

مردکی خشک مغز را دیدم

رفته در پوستین صاحب جاه

گفتم ای خواجه گر تو بدبختی

مردم نیکبخت را چه گناه

الا تا نخواهی بلا بر حسود

که آن بخت برگشته خود در بلاست

چه حاجت که با او کنی دشمنی

که او را چنین دشمنی در قفاست

@hamed Dec. 16, 2024, 5:07 p.m.

Saadi's wisdom here highlights the destructive nature of envy and jealousy. It teaches us that envious people are already tormented by their own feelings, and wishing harm upon them is unnecessary. Saadi's timeless insights continue to offer valuable lessons on the futility of envy and the importance of focusing on one's own blessings rather than begrudging others.