Hekayat 72 from Chapter 8 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on December 16, 2024 by @hamed 39 1

English Translation for Hekayat

A disciple without devotion is like a lover without money; a traveler without knowledge is like a bird without wings; a scholar without practice is like a tree without fruit; and an ascetic without knowledge is like a house without a door.

متن حکایت

تلمیذ بی ارادت عاشق بی زر است و روندهٔ بی معرفت مرغ بی پر و عالم بی عمل درخت بی بر و زاهد بی علم خانهٔ بی در.

@hamed Dec. 16, 2024, 5:09 p.m.

Saadi's wisdom here emphasizes the importance of inner qualities and the practical application of knowledge. It teaches us that devotion, knowledge, practice, and understanding are essential components for true success and fulfillment in various aspects of life. Saadi's timeless insights continue to offer valuable lessons on the interconnectedness of these virtues and the necessity of nurturing them.