Hekayat 76 from Chapter 8 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on December 17, 2024 by @hamed 35 1

English Translation for Hekayat

Two people will never rid their hearts of regret and will not be able to free themselves from the mire of loss: the shipwrecked merchant and the heir who associates with mendicants.

Your blood will be permissible among the poor,

If they have no share in your wealth.

Either do not go with a friend in a blue robe,

Or smear your house and home with indigo.

Either do not befriend the elephant keepers,

Or build a house suitable for an elephant.

متن حکایت

دو کس را حسرت از دل نرود و پای تغابن از گل بر نیاید: تاجر کشتی شکسته و وارث با قلندران نشسته.

پیش درویشان بود خونت مباح

گر نباشد در میان مالت سبیل

یا مرو با یار ازرق پیرهن

یا بکش بر خان و مان انگشت نیل

دوستی با پیلبانان یا مکن

یا طلب کن خانه‌ای در خورد پیل

@hamed Dec. 17, 2024, 5:02 p.m.

Saadi's wisdom here highlights the consequences of poor choices and the associations one keeps. It teaches us that certain decisions can lead to lasting regret and hardship. The verses use vivid imagery to emphasize the importance of being mindful of the company one keeps and the potential consequences of their actions. Saadi's timeless insights continue to offer valuable lessons on prudence, foresight, and the impact of one's associations.