Hekayat 78 from Chapter 8 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on December 17, 2024 by @hamed 22 1

English Translation for Hekayat

It is against the right path and contrary to the wisdom of the wise to take medicine based on conjecture and to travel an unseen path without a caravan.

They asked the revered scholar Imam Muhammad Ghazali, may God's mercy be upon him: How did you reach this rank in knowledge?

He said: By not being ashamed to ask about whatever I did not know.

Hope for well-being is in line with reason

When you show your pulse to a skilled physician.

Ask about whatever you do not know, for the humility of asking

Is the guide to the dignity of knowledge.

متن حکایت

خلاف راه صواب است و عکس رای اولوالالباب، دارو به گمان خوردن و راه نادیده بی کاروان رفتن.

امام مرشد محمد غزالی را رحمة الله علیه پرسیدند: چگونه رسیدی بدین منزلت در علوم؟

گفت: بدان که هر چه ندانستم از پرسیدن آن ننگ نداشتم.

امید عافیت آن گه بود موافق عقل

که نبض را به طبیعت شناس بنمایی

بپرس هر چه ندانی که ذل پرسیدن

دلیل راه تو باشد به عز دانایی

@hamed Dec. 17, 2024, 5:05 p.m.

Saadi's wisdom here emphasizes the importance of seeking knowledge and not being ashamed to ask questions. It teaches us that true wisdom and understanding come from acknowledging one's limitations and being open to learning from others. The mention of Imam Ghazali underscores the value of humility and the pursuit of knowledge. Saadi's timeless insights continue to offer valuable lessons on the virtues of curiosity, humility, and the importance of seeking guidance.