Hekayat 8 from Chapter 2 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on September 07, 2024 by hamed

One of the nobles was being praised in a gathering, and they were exaggerating his beautiful qualities.

He raised his head and said, “I am what I know myself to be.”

Enough of this praise, O you who count my virtues

This is my outward appearance, but you do not know what is hidden within

My appearance is pleasing to the eyes of the world

But my inner wickedness makes me bow my head in shame

People admire the peacock for its colors and patterns

But it is ashamed of its ugly feet.


یکی را از بزرگان به محفلی‌اندر همی‌ستودند و در اوصافِ جمیلش مبالغه می‌کردند.

سر بر آورد و گفت: من آنم که من دانم.

کَفَیْتَ اَذَیً یا مَنْ یَعُدُّ مَحاسِنی

عَلانِیَتی هَذٰاٰ وَلَمْ تَدْرِ ما بَطَنْ

شخصم به چشمِ عالمیان خوب‌منظر است

وز خُبْثِ باطنم سرِ خجلت فتاده پیش

طاووس را به نقش و نگاری که هست، خلق

تحسین کنند و او خجل از پای زشتِ خویش

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About Hekayat
Hekayat is a form of prose in Persian literature.