Hekayat 8 from Chapter 5 of Golestan of Saadi Shirazi

Posted on September 19, 2024 by @hamed 34 1

English Translation for Hekayat

I remember in earlier days, a friend and I were as close as the kernels of two almonds in one shell. Suddenly, an unexpected separation occurred.

After some time, when he returned, he began to reproach me, saying: "During this time, you did not send a messenger."

I replied: "I was reluctant to send one because I couldn't bear the thought that the messenger's eyes would be brightened by the sight of your beauty while I remained deprived."

Tell my old friend not to speak to me of repentance,
For repentance will never come to me through words, but only by the sword of love.

متن حکایت

یاد دارم در ایام پیشین که من و دوستی چون دو بادام مغز در پوستی صحبت داشتیم. ناگاه اتفاق مغیب افتاد.

پس از مدتی که باز آمد عتاب آغاز کرد که: در این مدت قاصدی نفرستادی.

گفتم: دریغ آمدم که دیدهٔ قاصد به جمال تو روشن گردد و من محروم.

یار دیرینه مرا گو به زبان توبه مده

که مرا توبه به شمشیر نخواهد بودن

@hamed Sept. 19, 2024, 5:28 a.m.

This story highlights the depth of affection between friends and the poetic, almost exaggerated longing that Saadi often expresses in his works. The clever response conveys the idea that the speaker would rather suffer absence than share the joy of his friend's beauty with another.