Hekayat 8 from Chapter 6 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on October 11, 2024 by hamed

An old man was asked, “Why don’t you get married?”

He replied, “I find no pleasure in the company of old women.”

They said, “Then seek a young woman, as you have the means.”

He responded, “I, being old, cannot find affection with women of my age. How, then, can a young woman find love with me, an old man?”

One of seventy may long for youth,
But the beloved’s affection lies with a bright-eyed youth.

It takes strength, not wealth, to win a lady’s heart,
For she prefers a lively partner to one heavy with age.

پیرمرد‌ی را گفتند: چرا زن نکنی؟

گفت: با پیرزنانم عیشی نباشد.

گفتند: جوانی بخواه چو مکنت داری.

گفت: مرا که پیرم با پیرزنان الفت نیست پس او را که جوان باشد با من که پیرم چه دوستی صورت بندد؟

پِرِ هَفتا ثَله جُونی می‌کُند

عَشغِ مقری وَ خُیْ بِنی چِشِ رُوشْت

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About Hekayat
Hekayat is a form of prose in Persian literature.