Hekayat 82 from Chapter 8 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on December 18, 2024 by @hamed 37 1

English Translation for Hekayat

The patience of a camel is well-known; if a child takes its rein and leads it a hundred leagues, it will not turn its neck in defiance. However, if a terrifying ravine appears ahead, which would cause its destruction, and the child, in ignorance, wants to go there, it will snatch the rein from the child's hand and refuse to comply further. For at times, severity is necessary, and it is said that an enemy does not become a friend through gentleness but rather becomes more greedy.

Be the dust at the feet of the one who shows you kindness,

But if he acts stubbornly, throw dust in his eyes.

Do not speak kindly and generously to a harsh person,

For rust cannot be cleaned with a soft file.

متن حکایت

حلم شتر چنان که معلوم است اگر طفلی مهارش گیرد و صد فرسنگ برد، گردن از متابعتش نپیچد. اما اگر دره‌ای هولناک پیش آید که موجب هلاک باشد و طفل آنجا به نادانی خواهد شدن، زمام از کفش در گسلاند و بیش مطاوعت نکند که هنگام درشتی ملاطفت مذموم است و گویند دشمن به ملاطفت دوست نگردد بلکه طمع زیادت کند.

کسی که لطف کند با تو خاک پایش باش

وگر ستیزه برد در دو چشمش آکن خاک

سخن به لطف و کرم با درشتخوی مگوی

که زنگ خورده نگردد به نرم سوهان پاک

@hamed Dec. 18, 2024, 6:19 p.m.

Saadi's wisdom here emphasizes the balance between patience and assertiveness. It teaches us that while gentleness and kindness are valuable, there are times when firmness and decisiveness are necessary, especially in the face of danger or stubbornness. Saadi's timeless insights continue to offer valuable lessons on the importance of discernment and the appropriate use of both gentleness and firmness in different situations.