Hekayat 9 from Chapter 4 of Golestan of Saadi Shirazi
English Translation for Hekayat
I was hesitant about buying a house. A Jew said to me, "After all, I am one of the caretakers of this neighborhood. Ask me about this house, as it truly is, and buy it, for it has no defects." I said, "Except that you are my neighbor!"
A house with a neighbor like you
Is worth ten silver coins of poor quality,
But one can hope that after your death,
It will be worth a thousand!
متن حکایت
در عقد بیع سرایی متردّد بودم. جهودی گفت: آخر من از کدخدایان این محلتم. وصف این خانه چنان که هست از من پرس، بخر که هیچ عیبی ندارد. گفتم: به جز آن که تو همسایه منی!
خانهای را که چون تو همسایه است
ده درم سیم بد عیار ارزد
لکن امیدوار باید بود
که پس از مرگ تو هزار ارزد