Hekayat 91 from Chapter 8 of Golestan of Saadi
English Translation for Hekayat
Whoever does not take the right path through the discipline of this world will be caught in the punishment of the hereafter. 'And We will surely let them taste the nearer punishment short of the greater punishment.'
Advice is the speech of the great ones, and then comes the chain;
When advice is given and not heeded, chains are applied.
متن حکایت
هر که به تأدیب دنیا راه صواب نگیرد، به تعذیب عقبی گرفتار آید. وَلَنُذیقَنَّهُم من العَذاب الأدنی دوُنَ العَذابِ الأکبرِ.
پند است خطاب مهتران آن گه بند
چون پند دهند و نشنوی بند نهند