Hekayat 93 from Chapter 8 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on December 20, 2024 by @hamed 32 1

English Translation for Hekayat

How can one whose ears are heavy with reluctance hear, and what can one do who is being pulled by the cord of fortune but go?

The dark night of the friends of God

Shines as brightly as day.

This happiness does not come by force,

Until the generous God bestows it.

To whom shall I complain, for there is no other judge,

And no hand is higher than Yours.

The one You guide cannot be lost,

And the one You abandon cannot find a guide.

متن حکایت

آن را که گوش ارادت گران آفریده‌اند، چون کند که بشنود و آن را که کمند سعادت کشان می‌برد، چه کند که نرود؟

شب تاریک دوستان خدای

می‌بتابد چو روز رخشنده

وین سعادت به زور بازو نیست

تا نبخشد خدای بخشنده

از تو به که نالم که دگر داور نیست

وز دست تو هیچ دست بالاتر نیست

آن را که تو رهبری کسی گم نکند

وآن را که تو گم کنی کسی رهبر نیست

@hamed Dec. 20, 2024, 8:02 p.m.

Saadi's wisdom here emphasizes the divine influence on human fate and the importance of divine guidance. It teaches us that true fortune and happiness come from the benevolence of God, and without His guidance, one is truly lost. Saadi's timeless insights continue to offer valuable lessons on the significance of spiritual humility and the reliance on divine grace.