Ordering Food

Let's start with some essential phrases for ordering food in a restaurant.

  • من می‌خواهم ... بخورم. (man mikhāham ... bekhuram): I want to eat ...
  • لطفا منوی غذا را بیاورید. (lotfan menu-ye ghāzā rā biāvarid): Please bring the menu.
  • من ... می‌خواهم. (man ... mikhāham): I want ...
  • یک ... لطفا (yek ... lotfan): One ... please
  • آب معدنی، لطفا (āb-e ma‘danī, lotfan): Mineral water, please
  • نوشابه می‌خواهم (nūshābe mikhāham): I want soda
  • حساب، لطفا (hesāb, lotfan): The bill, please

Some food items:

  • برنج (berenj): rice
  • کباب (kabāb): kebab
  • چلوکباب (chelokabāb): rice with kebab
  • چای (chāy): tea
  • قهوه (qahve): coffee


Here are some basic phrases for shopping:

  • این چقدر است؟ (īn cheqadr ast?): How much is this?
  • می‌خواهم این را بخرم. (mikhāham īn rā bekhāram): I want to buy this.
  • بزرگ‌تر/کوچک‌تر (bozorgtar/kuchiktar): bigger/smaller
  • قرمز/آبی/سبز (qermez/ābi/sabz): red/blue/green
  • ممنون، نیازی نیست (mamnoon, niyāzī nist): Thank you, I don't need it.


  • Practice pronunciation to be understood.
  • Be patient and polite when ordering or shopping.
  • Don't be afraid to make mistakes.