Quatrain 110 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

By hamed @hamed | 39 2

وقت سحر است خیز ای طرفه پسر
پر بادهٔ لعل کن بلورین ساغر

کاین یکدم عاریت در این کنج فنا
بسیار بجویی و نیابی دیگر


A Beautiful Rubai by Omar Khayyam

English Translation:

It is the time of dawn, arise, O wondrous youth,
Fill the crystal goblet with ruby-red wine,

For this moment, loaned to us in this corner of oblivion,
You will seek it much, but find it no more.

@hamed July 27, 2024, 5:56 a.m.

Analysis of the Rubai

This quatrain by Omar Khayyam is a classic invitation to seize the moment and enjoy life's pleasures.

Dawn and renewal: The poem begins by invoking the image of dawn, symbolizing new beginnings and opportunities.
Wine as a metaphor: As in many of Khayyam's rubais, wine serves as a metaphor for life, pleasure, and the transience of existence.
The impermanence of life: The phrase "this moment, loaned to us in this corner of oblivion" emphasizes the fleeting nature of life.
Carpe diem: The overall message is a call to seize the day and enjoy life's pleasures while we can.

@hamed July 27, 2024, 5:56 a.m.

Deeper Meanings and Interpretations

The transience of youth: The address to a "wondrous youth" highlights the fleeting nature of youth and the importance of enjoying it while it lasts.
The search for meaning: The poet suggests that the search for meaning in life is often futile, and that true happiness can be found in the present moment.
The beauty of the natural world: The image of dawn and the ruby-red wine connect the poem to the beauty of the natural world and the pleasures of the senses.

In essence, this rubai is a celebration of life and a reminder to cherish every moment.