Quatrain 144 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

By hamed @hamed | 39 2

گاویست در آسمان و نامش پروین
یک گاو دگر نهفته در زیر زمین

چشم خردت باز کن از روی یقین
زیر و زبر دو گاو مشتی خر بین


A Beautiful Rubai by Omar Khayyam

English Translation:

A cow is in the sky, named Parvin,
Another cow lies hidden beneath the earth.

Open your eye of wisdom with certainty,
And see the fools below and above these two cows.

@hamed July 27, 2024, 9:13 a.m.

Analysis of the Rubai

This quatrain by Omar Khayyam is a metaphorical exploration of knowledge and perception.

The Celestial and Terrestrial Cows: The two cows represent different realms of existence or knowledge: the celestial (Parvin, which refers to the Pleiades star cluster) and the terrestrial.
The Eye of Wisdom: The "eye of wisdom" refers to the ability to see beyond the superficial and understand the deeper meaning of things.
The Fools: Those who cannot see beyond the literal meaning of the cows are deemed "fools".

@hamed July 27, 2024, 9:13 a.m.

Deeper Meanings and Interpretations

The Nature of Reality: The poem suggests that reality is more complex than it appears on the surface, and there are deeper meanings to be discovered.
The Importance of Wisdom: The "eye of wisdom" is a metaphor for the ability to think critically and see beyond appearances.
The Limitations of Human Perception: The poem implies that human perception is limited and that there is much we do not understand about the universe.

In essence, this rubai is a call for deeper understanding and a challenge to conventional thinking.