Rubaei 31 By Hafez Shirazi

By hamed @hamed | 34 2

من حاصل عمر خود ندارم جز غم
در عشق، ز نیک و بد ندارم جز غم

یک همدم باوفا ندیدم جز درد
یک مونس نامزد ندارم جز غم


Literal Translation:

I have gained nothing from my life but sorrow,
In love, from both good and bad, I've gained nothing but sorrow.
I have not found a faithful companion except pain,
I have not found a beloved companion except sorrow.

Poetic and Interpretive Translation:

All my life has yielded naught but pain,
In love, both joy and sorrow are in vain.
A loyal friend I've never known, it's true,
Only sorrow has been my constant, too.

@hamed Aug. 12, 2024, 5:11 p.m.


This rubai by Hafez is a deeply melancholic expression of loneliness and despair.

The Preponderance of Sorrow: The poet repeatedly emphasizes the theme of sorrow, suggesting a life dominated by negative emotions.
The Absence of Love and Companionship: The lack of a faithful companion and a beloved suggests a deep sense of isolation and loneliness.
The Futility of Life: The first line, "I have gained nothing from my life but sorrow," conveys a sense of the futility of existence.

@hamed Aug. 12, 2024, 5:11 p.m.


A Cry for Help: This rubai can be seen as a cry for help, a plea for companionship and love. The poet's repeated emphasis on his sorrow suggests a deep-seated longing for something more.
The Dark Night of the Soul: In Sufi mysticism, the "dark night of the soul" is a period of spiritual desolation and doubt. This rubai could be seen as a poetic expression of such a state.
The Universal Theme of Suffering: The themes of sorrow, loneliness, and the meaninglessness of life are universal human experiences. Hafez's poetry resonates with readers because it captures these emotions in a profound and relatable way.

In essence, this rubai is a poignant expression of human suffering. Hafez, through his powerful imagery and emotional language, invites us to contemplate the depths of human despair and the longing for connection.