Rubaei 39 By Hafez Shirazi

Rubaei 39 By Hafez Shirazi

By @hamed on August 12, 2024

Rubaei 39 By Hafez Shirazi

By hamed @hamed

با شاهد شوخ شنگ و با بربط و نی

کنجی و فراغتی و یک شیشهٔ می

چون گرم شود ز باده ما را رگ و پی

منّت نبریم یک جو از حاتم طی


Literal Translation:

With a playful and cheerful companion, a lute, a flute,
A corner, leisure, and a bottle of wine,
When our veins and arteries are warmed by the wine,
We won't owe even a drop to the generous Hatem Tai.

Poetic and Interpretive Translation:

With a merry friend, a lute, and a sweet flute's sound,
A quiet corner, leisure, and wine so profound,
Our bodies warmed, our spirits unbound,
We'll need no gift from any generous mound.

@hamed Aug. 12, 2024, 5:31 p.m.


This rubai by Hafez is a celebration of simple pleasures and friendships. It paints a picture of a carefree and joyous existence.

The Companionship of Friends: The presence of a "playful and cheerful companion" suggests the importance of friendship and camaraderie in Hafez's life.
The Pleasures of Music and Wine: The mention of the lute, flute, and wine highlights the sensual pleasures that the poet enjoys.
Independence and Self-Sufficiency: The reference to Hatem Tai, an Arabian legendary figure known for his generosity, suggests that the poet and his companions are self-sufficient and do not need the charity of others.

@hamed Aug. 12, 2024, 5:31 p.m.


Carpe Diem: The rubai can be seen as a celebration of the present moment and a call to enjoy life's simple pleasures.
The Importance of Friendship: The emphasis on friendship suggests that human connection is essential to a fulfilling life.
Inner Peace: The image of a quiet corner and the warming effects of wine suggest a state of inner peace and contentment.

In essence, this rubai is a joyful expression of the poet's appreciation for life's simple pleasures. It suggests that true happiness can be found in the company of good friends, the enjoyment of music and wine, and a sense of contentment.