Quatrain 49 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi

Quatrain 49 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi

By @hamed on September 24, 2024

Quatrain 49 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi

By hamed @hamed

ما را به چه روی از تو صبوری باشد

یا طاقت دوستی و دوری باشد

جایی که درخت گل سوری باشد

جوشیدن بلبلان ضروری باشد


English Translation:

Why should we have patience with you?
Or the endurance for both friendship and distance?

In a place where the Syrian rose grows,
The chirping of nightingales is necessary.

@hamed Sept. 24, 2024, 6:40 p.m.


This quatrain by Saadi Shirazi is a beautiful expression of love and longing. Let's break down the lines:

@hamed Sept. 24, 2024, 6:40 p.m.

Line 1: ما را به چه روی از تو صبوری باشد

"Why should we have patience with you?"
The speaker is questioning why they should be patient with their beloved, implying that their love is so intense that patience is almost impossible.

@hamed Sept. 24, 2024, 6:40 p.m.

Line 2: یا طاقت دوستی و دوری باشد

"Or the endurance for both friendship and distance?"
This line suggests that the speaker cannot bear the thought of being both close to and far from their beloved. The idea of distance is painful.

@hamed Sept. 24, 2024, 6:41 p.m.

Line 3: جایی که درخت گل سوری باشد

"In a place where the Syrian rose grows,"
The Syrian rose is a symbol of beauty and love. By mentioning this flower, the poet creates a beautiful and romantic image.

@hamed Sept. 24, 2024, 6:41 p.m.

Line 4: جوشیدن بلبلان ضروری باشد

"The chirping of nightingales is necessary."
Nightingales are often associated with love and singing. This line suggests that in a place of such beauty, the sound of nightingales is essential.

@hamed Sept. 24, 2024, 6:41 p.m.

Deeper Meaning:

This quatrain suggests that:

Love is a powerful force: The speaker's love is so intense that it makes patience and distance almost unbearable.
Beauty and love are interconnected: The image of the Syrian rose and the nightingale creates a beautiful and romantic image, suggesting that love and beauty are intertwined.
The inevitability of love: The speaker implies that love is a natural part of life, and it is impossible to resist.

@hamed Sept. 24, 2024, 6:42 p.m.

This quatrain is a celebration of love and its power to inspire passion and longing. The speaker is expressing their deep love for their beloved and the impossibility of living without them.