Quatrain 55 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi

Quatrain 55 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi

By @hamed on September 25, 2024

Quatrain 55 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi

By hamed @hamed

وقت گل و روز شادمانی آمد

آن شد که به سرما نتوانی آمد

رفت آنکه دلت به مهر ما گرم نبود

سرما شد و وقت مهربانی آمد


English Translation:

The time of flowers and joy has arrived,
A time when one cannot endure the cold.

Gone is the one whose heart was not warmed by our love,
The cold has come, and the time of kindness.

@hamed Sept. 25, 2024, 7:23 p.m.


This quatrain by Saadi Shirazi is a beautiful exploration of the cyclical nature of life, love, and seasons. Let's break down the lines:

@hamed Sept. 25, 2024, 7:24 p.m.

Line 1: وقت گل و روز شادمانی آمد

"The time of flowers and joy has arrived,"
This line evokes images of spring, a time of renewal and happiness. It suggests a period of warmth, beauty, and prosperity.

@hamed Sept. 25, 2024, 7:24 p.m.

Line 2: آن شد که به سرما نتوانی آمد

"A time when one cannot endure the cold. "
This line implies that during this time of joy and warmth, one cannot tolerate the coldness or indifference of others. It suggests a heightened sensitivity to emotional warmth.

@hamed Sept. 25, 2024, 7:24 p.m.

Line 3: رفت آنکه دلت به مهر ما گرم نبود

"Gone is the one whose heart was not warmed by our love,"
Here, the poet suggests that someone who was indifferent or cold-hearted has left. This could be a metaphorical or literal departure.

@hamed Sept. 25, 2024, 7:24 p.m.

Line 4: سرما شد و وقت مهربانی آمد

"The cold has come, and the time of kindness."
This line seems contradictory at first. It suggests that even in the cold, there is a time for kindness. It could imply that hardship can bring out the best in people or that even in difficult times, there is hope for warmth and compassion.

@hamed Sept. 25, 2024, 7:25 p.m.

Deeper Meaning:

This quatrain suggests that:

Life is cyclical: Seasons change, as do our emotions and relationships.
Love and warmth are essential: The speaker values emotional warmth and connection.
Hardship can bring out the best in people: The idea that "the time of kindness" comes during a cold period suggests that adversity can foster compassion.

@hamed Sept. 25, 2024, 7:25 p.m.

This quatrain is a reflection on the human condition and the complexities of relationships. It suggests that while life is full of ups and downs, the human capacity for love and kindness endures. The image of the changing seasons is used as a metaphor for the ebb and flow of emotions and relationships.