Quatrain 129 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi

By hamed @hamed | 43 2

ای مطرب ازان حریف پیغامی ده
وین دلشده را به عشوه آرامی ده

ای ساقی ازان دور وفا جامی ده
ور رشک برد حسود، گو جامی ده


English Translation

"O musician, to that beloved one, convey a message,
And soothe this love-sick heart with a playful caress.

O cupbearer, from that distant loyal friend, a cup bring,
And if envy seizes the envious one, say 'Pour the cup'."

@hamed Oct. 6, 2024, 6:25 a.m.

Analysis and Nuances

"ای مطرب": This addresses a musician, often associated with love and longing in Persian poetry.
"ازان حریف": This refers to a beloved or a friend, someone dear to the speaker.
"پیغامی ده": This means "convey a message," implying that the speaker wants to send a message to their beloved through the musician.
"وین دلشده را": This refers to the speaker themselves, expressing their lovesickness.
"به عشوه آرامی ده": This means "soothe with a playful caress," suggesting a desire for comfort and reassurance.
"ای ساقی": This addresses a cupbearer, often associated with wine and revelry.
"ازان دور وفا جامی ده": This means "bring a cup from that distant loyal friend," suggesting a longing for a drink from a faithful companion.
"ور رشک برد حسود، گو جامی ده": This means "and if envy seizes the envious one, say 'Pour the cup'," implying a defiance of envious people and a desire to enjoy life.

@hamed Oct. 6, 2024, 6:25 a.m.

Overall Meaning

The quatrain expresses a longing for love, companionship, and enjoyment. The speaker seeks solace in music, wine, and the company of a beloved friend. There's also a hint of defiance against envy and a desire to live life to the fullest.