Quatrain 1 from Rubaiyat of Rumi

Quatrain 1 from Rubaiyat of Rumi

By @hamed on October 12, 2024

Quatrain 1 from Rubaiyat of Rumi

By hamed @hamed

آن دل که شد او قابل انوار خدا

پر باشد جان او ز اسرار خدا

زنهار تن مرا چو تنها مشمر

کو جمله نمک شد به نمک‌زار خدا



That heart which has become receptive to the lights of God
Is full of the divine secrets of God

Beware of counting my body as alone
For it has entirely become salt in God's salt marsh.


Rumi is suggesting that a truly spiritual person is one whose heart is open to the divine. This person's soul is filled with the secrets of God, and their physical body is no longer seen as separate from the divine but as a part of a greater whole. The image of the salt dissolving in the salt marsh emphasizes the idea of complete unity with the cosmos.

@hamed Oct. 12, 2024, 4:42 p.m.

Breakdown of the Translation:

"That heart which has become receptive to the lights of God": This refers to a heart that is open to divine inspiration and guidance. The "lights of God" symbolize divine knowledge and enlightenment.
"Is full of the divine secrets of God": Such a heart is filled with the mysteries and wonders of the divine.
"Beware of counting my body as alone": This suggests that the physical body is not merely an isolated entity but is deeply connected to the universe and God.
"For it has entirely become salt in God's salt marsh": This line is rich in symbolism. The image of salt dissolving in a salt marsh conveys the idea of complete surrender and absorption into the divine. The body, in this context, becomes one with the cosmic ocean of God's being.