Quatrain 2 from Rubaiyat of Rumi

Quatrain 2 from Rubaiyat of Rumi

By @hamed on October 22, 2024

Quatrain 2 from Rubaiyat of Rumi

By hamed @hamed

آن شمع رخ تو لگنی نیست بیا

وان نقش تو از آب منی نیست بیا

در خشم مکن تو خویشتن را پنهان

کان حسن تو پنهان شدنی نیست بیا


English translation:

That candle of your face is not a lamp without oil, come forth
And that image of yours is not drawn in water, come forth

Do not hide yourself in anger
For that beauty of yours cannot be hidden, come forth

"That candle of your face is not a lamp without oil, come forth: This line suggests that the beloved's beauty is self-illuminating and doesn't need external adornments.
"And that image of yours is not drawn in water, come forth: This implies that the beloved's beauty is not fleeting or illusory, but rather permanent and substantial.
"Do not hide yourself in anger: The speaker is pleading with the beloved not to withdraw their love or presence.
"For that beauty of yours cannot be hidden, come forth: This reiterates the idea that the beloved's beauty is so radiant that it cannot be concealed.

@hamed Oct. 22, 2024, 4:37 a.m.


This quatrain is an ardent plea to a beloved, possibly symbolizing a divine or spiritual connection. The speaker is expressing their deep longing for the beloved's presence and assuring them that their beauty is incomparable and cannot be hidden. The imagery of a candle and a drawing in water emphasizes the permanence and intensity of the beloved's beauty.

@hamed Oct. 22, 2024, 4:37 a.m.

Key themes:

Divine love: The quatrain could be interpreted as a mystical expression of love for the divine.
Beauty and longing: The speaker is captivated by the beloved's beauty and yearns for their presence.
Impermanence and permanence: The contrast between the image drawn in water (temporary) and the candle's light (enduring) suggests the enduring nature of the beloved's beauty.