Quatrain 3 from Rubaiyat of Rumi

Quatrain 3 from Rubaiyat of Rumi

By @hamed on October 22, 2024

Quatrain 3 from Rubaiyat of Rumi

By hamed @hamed

آن کس که ترا نقش کند او تنها

تنها نگذاردت میان سودا

در خانه تصویر تو یعنی دل تو

بر رویاند دو صد حریف زیبا


English translation:

He who paints your image only him;
He will not leave you alone in this marketplace of desires

In the house of your image, meaning your heart,
two hundred beautiful companions are planted

"He who paints your image only him; He will not leave you alone in this marketplace of desires: This line suggests a divine artist who creates each individual soul and ensures their companionship. The "marketplace of desires" might refer to the material world or the complexities of human existence.

"In the house of your image, meaning your heart, two hundred beautiful companions are planted: This line implies that the human heart, being a reflection of the divine, is capable of experiencing a multitude of beautiful emotions and connections. The number "two hundred" is likely symbolic, representing an abundance.

@hamed Oct. 22, 2024, 4:42 a.m.


This quatrain conveys a profound sense of divine love and companionship. The central theme seems to be the assurance that even in the midst of life's complexities, one is never truly alone. The heart, being a canvas painted by the divine, is filled with infinite beauty and potential.

The Divine Artist: The "he who paints your image" is often interpreted as God or a higher power. This suggests a personal and intimate relationship between the individual soul and the divine.
The Heart as a House: The heart is seen as a dwelling place for divine beauty and love. The "two hundred beautiful companions" could represent various spiritual qualities, emotions, or even loved ones.

@hamed Oct. 22, 2024, 4:42 a.m.

Key Themes:

Divine love and companionship: The quatrain emphasizes the idea that one is never alone, even in solitude.
The heart as a spiritual canvas: The heart is seen as a place where the divine expresses itself.
Abundance and beauty: The image of "two hundred beautiful companions" highlights the richness and beauty that exists within each individual.