Quatrain 130 from Rubaiyat of Rumi

By hamed @hamed | 33 1

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English Translation of the Quatrain

This work is not for those who are involved in this world,
For this path of ours is the path of the idle.

This road is the road of thieves and scoundrels,
What place is there for the wealthy and the powerful?

Analysis of the Quatrains

The Path of the Spiritual Seeker: The poet is describing the spiritual path as one that is distinct from the worldly pursuits of the wealthy and powerful.
The Renunciation of Material Wealth: The path of the spiritual seeker involves a renunciation of worldly possessions and a focus on inner spiritual development.
The Company of Spiritual Seekers: The poet suggests that the company of spiritual seekers is more valuable than the company of the wealthy and powerful.

@hamed Dec. 13, 2024, 7:47 p.m.

Deeper Meanings

This quatrain, like much of Rumi's poetry, can be interpreted on multiple levels:

Sufi Mysticism: The quatrain reflects the Sufi ideal of renouncing worldly attachments and seeking spiritual knowledge.
The True Wealth: The poet suggests that the true wealth lies not in material possessions but in spiritual understanding.
The Path of the Heart: The spiritual path is often seen as a difficult and solitary journey, requiring courage and perseverance.